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Harry Holland


Typical selection of brushes used in a session. If I was to write a book about the techniques of painting, it would be about brushes as much as anything else. but like most things in my career it would be contain some useless and misinformed information and advice. Like most artists I have an intense relationship with the things I use which is not always based on rationality or good practice. In…

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There aren’t many paintings that have taken my breath away when I first saw them. Plenty have made me smile immediately with pleasure and some I have recognised as old friends even though I’d never seen them before. Most of the pictures I love have crept up on me over years of familiarity or seeking out work by artists i’ve come across. But a few have startled me by their poignancy and…

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I am often asked how a painting is made. Most of mine are made in stages, building the forms and atmosphere slowly so I have maximum control. These took about 4 months, each stage taking 4 – 5 hours This is the first stage made over a charcoal outline drawing with Light Red and Ivory Black. Cremnitz white is used throughout. 2nd stage uses mainly the same colours to strengthen the forms.…

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My eyes have deteriorated to the point where i have to have an operation to remove cataracts. I’m writing now before the operation. I’m told by the surgeon and everybody else not to worry and my eyesight will be considerably improved. One of the effects will apparently be a shift (mostly temporary), towards blue. I will try and document it. I’ll stay off the operation itseif – too full of the usual…

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